Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 2 Oct 16, 62 miles Clifton Marina, Clifton TN

Interesting early morning walk with Miss Saddi.  We met up with a pup (no tags, no leash, no owner) that wanted to play.....well, as everyone knows Saddi doesn't play....wish Max had been with us....survived but think my feet will be black/blue from her dancing plus wet shoes covered with grass from the heavy dew.  The dew was so heavy it looked like frost.  Capt Rik had to wash the boat before we departed.
No Wi-Fi or TV last night so no notes were posted.  Pebble Isle serves Cinnamon Buns and coffee in the mornings.  Just a nice marina...has our 5 star rating.

On the water by of the last to leave...but we were clean.

Really think at mm 110 (Duck River) the fishermen come out in packs, anchor and laugh when the trawlers have to slow down to pass them.  We did see three turkeys on the shore.

MM116...I-40 highway bridge...I don't remember how many times we have gone across the bridge in the motorcoach saying "Someday we will be down there".  You could see swallows nesting up under the bridge...did you know that?

Lady Finger Bluff at mm 130 is a limestone bluff capped with gnarled cedar and hardwoods.  Legend has it that in pioneer days a lady chose to leap to her death from this bluff rather than be caught by attacking Indians.  Also the river is narrower here than at any location since we left Barkley canal.  It is known as "The Narrows".  The water is from 70 to 80 feet deep.

The Alvin C York Bridge - Highway US 412 is part of Tennessee's 2,300-mile Scenic Parkway System that leads to historical sites, state parks, attractions and unique out-of-the way places.  Did I miss this in the motorcoach?
Houses lined the river and we saw this Lighthouse on a bluff.

As we neared Clifton Marina we navigated one of the sharpest hairpin turns on the Tennessee.  They say you could leave the river here and return to it by traveling less than two miles across land, a distance that would require about nine miles by water.
Clifton Marina may be small but they are friendly and KNOW what they are doing.  Seven Loopers arrived within a short time and Sonya directed docking without a problem.  Gene, the owner was there to greet us and make us welcome.  The Nanseann was on Dock C giving Saddi's ramp plenty of room to get around.  Too boot, we were at the end of the pier so she had a short run to green grass.  We elected to eat our roast beef, catch up on our chores and to work on the blog as we had Wi-Fi but no TV.
Nice day, no barges...just fishermen to slow us down....a 62 mile day.
We are happy "Boat Bums"

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